Electronic tourism link website/platform electronictourismlink.com focuses on promotion and growth of the tourism industry in Uganda, the East African region and Africa as a whole. Our major goal is to link service providers, to the consumers of tourism services and other stakeholders in the general public. Ours is a platform where consumers, providers, facilitators and other stakeholders in the tourism sector can access, inquire, share information, about what they need or want to offer.
The primary objective of this platform is to provide an extensive coverage of tourism related information within Uganda, the East African region and Africa as a whole; ranging from available tourist attractions/sites, hotels and apartments, airlines/flights, restaurants, tour companies, leisure spots, travel agents, tour guides, car rentals, and many others.
We nurture, grow and promote tourism in its totality.
VISIT: https://electronictourismlink.com AND list your Hotel, Apartment, Rentals, Tour sites to Increase your Clientele.
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